Visual Identity / BSN@Home
The primary colors for BSN@HOME are Pantone 194 (red), Pantone 334 (teal) and Pantone 7701 (blue)****
****Websites use #444444 gray for text and other consistent applications.
# RGB and Hex colors have been adjusted to pass color contrast ratio standards, when in doubt of color contrast ratios please enter hex values into the color WebAIM Contrast Checker.
Pantone 194 | |
0 C | 153 R |
100 M | 0 G |
35 Y | 51 B |
27 K | |
#990033 |
Pantone 7701 | |
96 C | 0 R |
62 M | 87 G |
35 Y | 119 B |
15 K | |
#005777 |
Office of Online & Professional Learning Resources
Universities of Wisconsin
780 Regent St., Suite 130
Madison, WI 53715
Phone: 608-800-6762
Fax: 608-265-9396